One Handed Keyboard on iOS

posted in: iOS

Another little know feature of iOS is the built in one-handed keyboards. Especially useful for the bigger iPhones, this feature lets you resize the keyboard for those times when you only have one hand to type with. It also works … Read More

Stop Website Tracking on iOS

posted in: iOS, Security

Websites track us. Yeah, it happens. They use the data to deliver targeted ads to websites, social media, etc. There is a neat little feature built into iOS that kind of stops this. It’s enabled by default but check it … Read More

iPhone Battery Status

posted in: iOS

With the recent release of iOS 11.3, Apple has added a new feature to the Battery settings called “Battery Health”.  Tapping it will give a numerical value of your batteries condition. It also tells you if the battery is supporting … Read More

World Backup Day 2018

posted in: Services

March 31st, along with being smack bang in the middle of Easter, happens to be It still surprises me how many people simply don’t backup their phone and computer. I hear stories daily of people who have lost an assignment, … Read More

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